Investment Funds

ICVM 555 Funds

ICVM 555 Funds

List of Funds

This API discloses the complete list of existing funds in the ANBIMA Feed base with the summary of their respective data.

The information is made available through the API with pagination (maximum of 1,000 records per page). In addition to the list of funds, the API returns the total number of funds and of pages.

To access it, the following URI must be used: URI:


As our API is exclusively used for retrieving information, the GET method must be used for accessing the resources. An example of a real request in Production environment would be:


Field List:

Feed FieldInformationDescriptionDomain/Expected InformationSize
codigo_fundoANBIMA CodeAnbima’s fund identification keyAlphanumeric – Fixed length6
nome_fantasiaFund fictitious nameName by which the fund is knownAlphanumeric – Variable length40
cnpj_fundoCNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer’s ID)Fund CNPJAlphanumeric – Variable length14
classe_anbimaANBIMA ClassANBIMA’s classification seeks to gather the several options of portfolios offered by investment funds, according to certain portfolio features.
So, it takes into consideration the asset classes comprising a portfolio, their terms and risks, in addition to management styles and strategies. Possible values for this field are:
– Renda Fixa (Fixed Income) 
– Ações (Equity)
– Cambial (Foreign Exchange)
– Multimercado (Balanced / Mixed)
– Previdência (Pension Funds)
Alphanumeric – Variable length
[List of options] 
situacao_atualFund current statusIndicator about the current status of the fund regarding new contributions. 
Possible values for this field are:
A = Active
E = Closed
Alphanumeric – Fixed length [A, E]1
data_inicio_divulgacao_cotaFund quota disclosure start dateFund quota disclosure start dateDateYYYY-MM-DD
data_atualizacaoDate of UpdatingDate when the last context was updatedDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS


Parameter TypeFormatMandatoryQuery example
Amount of funds per pagesize=1000NoGET
Note 1: If page and size are not entered in the query, by default the first 1,000 funds are returned, ordered by the fund code, on page 0.
Note 2: The maximum number of records per page is 1,000.
Note 3: If a value greater than the limit of existing pages is reported, a ‘404 Not Found’ error is returned.

Fund Details

This API shows detailed information of a fund.

To access it, the following URI must be used:


As our API is exclusively used for retrieving information, the GET method must be used for accessing the resources. An example of a real request in Production environment would be:


The information presented in this API is divided into the following contexts:

Fund Registration Data

This context comprises basic data for identification of a fund.

Field List dados-cadastrais

Feed FieldInformationDescriptionDomain/Expected InformationSize
codigo_fundoANBIMA CodeFund identification key at ANBIMAAlphanumeric – Fixed length6
nome_fantasiaFund fictitious nameName by which the fund is knownAlphanumeric – Variable length40
razao_socialCorporate nameFund corporate nameAlphanumeric – Variable length150
cnpj_fundoCNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer’s ID)Fund CNPJAlphanumeric – Variable length14
codigo_isinISINInternational Securities Identification Number model. Code to identify investment funds provided by B3, when a fund is registered on the stock exchange as activeAlphanumeric – Variable length12
data_primeiro_aporteDate of first contribution to the fundDate on which the first contribution to the fund was madeDateYYYY-MM-DD
data_encerramento_fundoFund closing dateDate on which the fund was closed, and contributions were no longer allowed. This field is only shown when the current status of the fund is “Closed”DateYYYY-MM-DD
classe_anbimaANBIMA ClassANBIMA’s classification seeks to gather the several options of portfolios offered by investment funds, according to certain portfolio features.
So, it takes into consideration the asset classes comprising a portfolio, their terms and risks, in addition to management styles and strategies.
Possible values for this field are:
– Renda Fixa (Fixed Income) 
– Ações (Equity)
– Cambial (Foreign Exchange)
– Multimercado (Balanced / Mixed)
– Previdência (Pension Funds)
Alphanumeric – Variable length  20
tipo_anbimaANBIMA TypeThis field seeks to show the type of management and corresponding risks and, whenever possible, an analogy with active or indexed (passive) management is made for all asset classes. Alphanumeric – Variable length [List of options]40
classe_cvmCVM ClassThe regulation of CVM (Brazilian Securities Commission) organizes the investment funds into four different classes, according to Article 108 of CVM Instruction 555.Possible values for this field are:
– Renda Fixa (Fixed Income) 
– Ações (Equity)
– Cambial (Foreign Exchange)
– MM (Balanced / Mixed)
Alphanumeric – Variable length 20
sub_classe_cvmCVM SubclassThe regulation of CVM organizes the investment funds into certain different subclasses, according to Article 108 and subsections thereof of CVM Instruction 555. Possible values for this field are:
– Referenced
– Short Term
– Foreign Debt
– Level 1 BDR Shares
– Not applicable
Alphanumeric – Variable length 20
composicao_fundoFund Composition– FI: Investment Fund: in general, it seeks to receive investments from investors according to their target audience and investment objective and policy. An FI can invest up to 100% in securities in compliance with the legislation; 
– FC: Investment Fund in Quotas: must have a minimum value of investment fund quotas in its portfolio, in compliance with the instruction governing it. 
– FF: Master Investment Fund: receive investments solely from other funds. In this case, the target audience must necessarily be investment funds and/or investment funds in quotas. If the fund accepts investments from funds as well as from managed portfolios, it must be classified as FI, and not as FF. 
– FM: Master Investment Fund in Quotas: investment fund in quotas aimed solely at receiving investment from other funds
Alphanumeric – Variable length [FC, FM, FI, FF]20
benchmarkBenchmarkThis field displays the reference performance index of the fundAlphanumeric – Variable length [List of options]20
investimento_exteriorForeign Investmentsit shows if the fund invests in financial assets traded abroad, in accordance with the investment policy and observing the limits provided for under Article 101 of CVM Instruction 555.
Up to 100%, > 67%, Not Applicable, Up to 20 %, Up to 40 %]
Alphanumeric – Variable length [Até 100%, > 67%, Não se Aplica, Até 20 %, Até 40 %20
credito_privadoPrivate creditIt shows if the fund allows investment at a percentage of equity higher than 50% in private credit assets (Article 118 of CVM Instruction 555)Alphanumeric – Fixed length20
tipo_investidorInvestor typeInvestment restriction: predominant investor type.Possible values for this field are:
– Exclusivo – Exclusive (fund created to receive investments exclusively from a sole fund shareholder, according to Article 130 of CVM Instruction 555. This field must be compatible with the target audience described in the fund regulation) 
– Reservado – Reserved/restricted (specific group of investors that have a family or corporate relationship, or that belong to the same economic group, or that establish this condition in writing.  This field must be compatible with the target audience described in the fund regulation) 
– Não há restrição – No restriction (investors’ characteristics differ from exclusive and reserved/restricted)
Alphanumeric – Variable length 20
caracteristica_investidorInvestor characteristicIn the Brazilian case, CVM Instruction 554/14, which modifies, among other rules, Instruction 539/13, divides investors into three groups: professional investors, qualified investors and other investors, which may be referred to as retail investors.Professional investors are individuals or legal entities that have investments higher than R$10,000,000.00 (ten million reais) and that, additionally, confirm in writing their status of professional investor (Article 9-A, CVM Instruction 554).
Qualified investors are individuals or legal entities that have investments higher than R$1,000,000.00 (one million reais) and that, additionally, confirm in writing their status of qualified investor (Article 9-B, CVM Instruction 554).
Unqualified investors are those whose characteristics are different from professional and qualified investors.
Alphanumeric – Variable length 20
cota_aberturaOpening quotaOpening quota is the one calculated and known at beginning of day. Closing quota is the one calculated and known only at day closing, that is, after market closing. Possible values for this field are:
S = Yes (opening quota)
N = No (closing quota)
Alphanumeric – Fixed length [S, N]1
permite_alavancagemFund allows leverageThe fund is leveraged (different from zero) whenever the possibility of loss is higher than the fund equity, disregarding default cases in fund assets.Alphanumeric – Fixed length20
aberto_estatutariamenteStatutorily openInvestment funds can be set up as an open or closed condominium, according to Article 4 of CVM Instruction 555.
Possible values for this field are:
S = statutorily open (fund shareholders may request redemption of their quotas at any time)
N = statutorily closed (fund shareholders may redeem their quotas at the end of the fund duration term)
Alphanumeric – Fixed length [S, N]1
tributacao_alvoTarget taxationIt indicates the tax treatment given by the fund to collect income tax from the fund shareholders.
Longo Prazo: Long term
Curto Prazo: Short term
Renda Variável: Variable Income
Indefinido: Undefined
Não Aplicável: Not Applicable
Alphanumeric – Variable length50
investimento_exteriorForeign InvestmentsIt shows if the fund invests in financial assets traded abroad, in accordance with the investment policy and observing the limits provided for under Article 101 of CVM Instruction 555.
Options: Up to 100%, > 67%, Not Applicable, Up to 20 %, Up to 40 %]
Alphanumeric – Variable length20
multigestorMulti-managerIndicates whether the fund is multi-manager (invests in other funds), mirror, feeder or none of the optionsAlphanumeric – Variable length20
aplicacao_automaticaAutomatic applicationIndicates whether the fund allows the shareholder to carry out applications or automatic redemptions of values in their accountsAlphanumeric – Variable length20
foco_atuacaoMain focusIndicates the fund’s main focusAlphanumeric – Variable length20
previdenciaType of Pension FundIf the fund is a Pension Fund, it indicates the type of fundAlphanumeric – Variable length20
situacao_atualFund current statusIndicator about the current status of the fund regarding new contributions. Possible values for this field are:
A = Active
E = Closed
Alphanumeric – Fixed length1
data_atualizacaoDate of UpdatingDate when the last context was updatedDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS

Service Providers

This context comprises different service providers of an investment fund. They can be:

AdministratorResponsible for all the services related to the operation and maintenance of the fund
ManagerResponsible for the management of the fund’s assets
DistributorResponsible for the relationship with and the sales to the final investor
CustodianResponsible for maintaining and safeguarding the assets of the investment fund
Asset ControllerResponsible to implement the processes related to the control of assets as well as the accounting procedures
Passive ControllerResponsible to implement the processes related to the control of liabilities as well as the accounting procedures

Field List prestadores

Feed FieldInformationDescriptionDomain/Expected InformationSize
nomeService Provider NameThis field informs the name of the service providers for the fund. It will be prompted for all the roles. Alphanumeric – Variable length40
cnpjService Provider CNPJThis field informs the CNPJ (corporate taxpayer’s ID) of the fund’s service providers. It will be prompted for all the roles. Alphanumeric – Variable length14
principalPrimary managerIndicates whether this provider is the fund’s main manager.Bit (TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0)1

Fund Fees

Here is detailed information regarding fees applied to a fund. Here is provided the current data (context: taxas) and the list with the history of fees changes (context: historico_taxas).

Field List taxas and historico_taxas

Feed FieldInformationDescriptionDomain/Expected InformationSize
unidadeAdministration fee unitIt is the remuneration for administration services, according to Article 85 of CVM Instruction 555.Possible values for this field are:
– Percentage (P)
– Value (V)
– Mixed (M)
Alphanumeric – Fixed length[P, V, M]1
cobra_taxa_performanceCharges performance feeThe fund shareholder has to pay a performance fee when the fund yield exceeds the fee of a reference indicator, known as benchmark, and its collection is subject to a minimum periodicity.
Possible values for this field are:
S = Yes (fee is charged)
N = No (fee is not charged)
Alphanumeric – Fixed length[S, N]1
taxa_performance_nao_padronizadaNon-standardized performance fee (rules)This field defines the rules for collecting the performance fee of the fundAlphanumeric – Variable length500
periodicidade_cobranca_taxa_performancePerformance fee collection periodicity It informs the periodicity with which the performance fee is collectedNumerical19
taxa_compostaCompound feeThis field informs when the fees charged by the funds invested can be applied to the fund registered.
Possible values for this field are:
S = Yes (fee applied to the fund)
N = No (fee not applied to the fund)
Alphanumeric – Fixed length[S, N]1
taxa_entradaEntry feeFee charged at the time of investing in the fundAlphanumeric – Variable length40
taxa_saidaExit feeFee charged on the redemption amountAlphanumeric – Variable length40
taxa_maximaMaximum administration feeIt is the maximum percentage of the administration fee, comprising the fees that invested funds may charge, that is, the maximum fee specified in the regulation.Decimal23
taxa_administracaoAdministration FeePercentage of the administration fee, comprising the fees that the invested funds may charge, that is, the fee specified in the regulation.Decimal23
data_inicio_vigencia_admAdministration Fee Effective DateIndicates when the Administration Fee started to be practicedDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS
data_atualizacaoDate of UpdatingDate when the last context was updatedDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS

Quota Transactions

This context comprises information regarding contributions, redemptions and other quota transactions in a fund.

Field List movimentacao

Feed FieldInformationDescriptionDomain/Expected InformationSize
prazo_emissao_cotasQuota issue termTerm (in days) to convert the quotas for investment of fundsAlphanumeric – Variable length40
prazo_pagamento_resgateRedemption payment termTerm for payment of the redemption requested, that is, the number of days after the date of the redemption requestAlphanumeric – Variable length40
prazo_conversao_resgateRedemption conversion termPeriod between the day of request for redemption of the quotas and the actual day when the quotas were converted, according to Article 37, item I, of CVM Instruction 555, that is, the number of days after the request dateAlphanumeric – Variable length40
carencia_inicial_primeiro_resgate1st redemption waiting periodMinimum period (in days) to be observed by the fund shareholders for redemption in each investment in the fundNumerical19
carencia_ciclicaCyclical waiting period (periods between redemptions)Periodical time interval (in days) to be observed by the fund shareholders between one redemption and another.Numerical19
aplicacao_inicial_minimaMinimum starting investmentMinimum contribution to be accepted in the fund.Decimal18
aplicacao_adicional_minimaMinimum additional investmentMinimum for subsequent investments.Decimal18
resgate_minimoMinimum redemptionMinimum to withdraw funds.Decimal18
saldo_minimo_aplicadoMinimum balance invested in the fundMinimum amount to remain in the fund.Decimal18
divulgacao_cotaQuota disclosure frequencyIndicates the frequency with which the fund administrator is responsible for updating the periodic informationAlphanumeric – Variable length10
data_inicio_divulgacao_cotaFund quota disclosure start dateRepresents the first record date of periodic data of a fundDateYYYY-MM-DD
data_atualizacaoDate of UpdatingDate when the last context was updatedDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS

Historical Serie

This context shows the periodical data of a fund of the last available date (asset under management and quota).

Field List serie_historica

Feed FieldInformationDescriptionDomain/Expected InformationSize
numero_cotistasNumber of fund shareholdersTotal number of fund investorsNumerical10
patrimonio_liquidoAsset under ManagementIt informs the net fund equity on the day. The net equity is calculated by the sum of the amount of all securities and the amount in cash, less the fund liabilities, including those related to its administration.Decimal14
valor_cotaFund Quota ValueValue of fund quota on the day. The quotas are fractions of the net asset.Decimal17
captacaoSales (new contributions)Total amount of new contributions to the fund until the last registration dateDecimal14
resgateRedemptions (new withdrawals)Sum of the amounts redeemed by fund shareholders and of income tax redemptionsDecimal14
data_referenciaReference DateDate which the amounts presented refer toDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS
data_atualizacaoDate of UpdatingDate when the last context was updatedDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS

Fund Documents

This context shows the existing documentation information for the fund. Currently, only the regulation is made available by ANBIMA.

Field List documentos

Feed FieldInformationDescriptionDomain/Expected InformationSize
urlDocument URLElectronic address of the fileAlphanumeric – Variable length500
extensaoDocument ExtensionFile extensions are suffixes that specify a document format. Examples: txt, doc, pdf, exe, etc.Alphanumeric – Variable length50
tipo_documentoDocument TypeIt informs the type of document to which the file refers. Examples: Regulation, Audit, Meeting, etc.Alphanumeric – Variable length100
data_uploadUpload DateDate on which the document was attached to the fundDateYYYY-MM-DD
data_referenciaReference DateDate which the amounts presented refer toDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS
nome_arquivoFile NameFile nameAlphanumeric – Variable length255


Parameter TypeFormatMandatoryQuery example
ANBIMA code{ANBIMAcode}YesGET{546356}

Fund Explanatory Notes

This API discloses the list of explanatory notes of the fund. These explanatory notes indicate relevant events that occurred in the fund and were recorded in the ANBIMA database.

To access it, the following URI must be used:


As our API is exclusively used for retrieving information, the GET method must be used for accessing the resources. An example of a real request in a Production environment would be:


Field List:

Feed FieldInformationDescriptionDomain/Expected InformationSize
descricaoDescriptionExplanatory note textAlphanumeric – Variable length80
data_referenciaReference dateDate the explanatory note was generatedDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS
ano_divulgacaoYearCorresponding year of the explanatory noteAlphanumeric – Variable length4


Parameter TypeFormatMandatoryQuery example
ANBIMA code{ANBIMAcode}YesGET{546356}/nota-explicativa

Fund Historical Serie

This API discloses the whole (daily) history of periodical data of the fund (asset under management and quota). 

To access it, the following URI must be used:


As our API is exclusively used for retrieving information, the GET method must be used for accessing the resources. An example of a real request in a Production environment would be:


Field List:

Feed FieldInformationDescriptionDomain/Expected InformationSize
numero_cotistasNumber of fund shareholdersTotal number of fund investorsNumerical10
patrimonio_liquidoAsset under ManagementIt informs the net fund equity on the day. The net equity is calculated by the sum of the amount of all securities and the amount in cash, less the fund liabilities, including those related to its administration.Decimal14
valor_cotaFund Quota ValueValue of fund quota on the day. The quotas are fractions of the net assets.Decimal17
captacaosales (new contributions)Total amount of new contributions to the fund until the last registration dateDecimal14
resgateRedemptions (new withdrawals)Sum of the amounts redeemed by fund shareholders and of income tax redemptionsDecimal14
data_referenciaReference DateDate which the amounts presented refer toDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS
data_atualizacaoDate of UpdatingDate when the last context was updatedDate/timeYYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS


Parameter TypeFormatMandatoryQuery example
ANBIMA code{ANBIMAcode}YesGET{546356}/serie-historica
Start date of consultationdata-inicio=yyyy-MM-ddNoGET{546356}/serie-historica?data-inicio=2019-11-19&data-fim=2020-11-14
End date of consultationdata-fim=yyyy-MM-ddNoGET{546356}/serie-historica?data-inicio=2019-11-19&data-fim=2020-11-14
Note 1: If the start and end dates are not determined in the consultation, the records of the last 5 years will be returned.
Note 2: The maximum period allowed per consultation will be 5 years (60 months).
Note 3: If the period informed in the consultation exceeds the range of 5 years, an error ‘400 Bad Request’ will be returned.
Note 4: If the user enters a start date greater than the end date, they are replaced, and the initial is reversed by the final one. If the starting date is null, the date for 1 year before the end date informed will be considered. If, on the other hand, the initial date is inserted and the final date is null, the latter is considered the end date which comprises the period of 5 years from the date informed.
Note 5: Historical series data is displayed in descending order from the reference date (from newest to oldest record).